Write for Us – Fashion, Beauty, Lifestyle & Health

BrainLevelUp is a thriving community blog that welcomes contributions on topics spanning Fashion, Beauty, Lifestyle, and Health. We're committed to offering our readers valuable insights into the latest trends and developments in these areas. If you're passionate about any of these subjects and have ideas to share, we invite you to contribute through Guest Posting.

Guidelines for Guest Posting:

Article Length:

We expect well-researched, informative articles exceeding 1500 words. Engaging content not only captivates our audience but also performs well on search engines. Please ensure your submission meets this requirement.


Choose topics relevant to our blog's focus areas to expedite the publication process. Your article should align with the categories featured on BrainLevelUp.


Submit articles related to the following categories:

  • Beauty
  • Fashion
  • Health
  • Lifestyle
  • Products

Content that falls within these categories enhances the value of our blog. Avoid submitting pieces that are unrelated to these topics, as they're unlikely to be published.

External Links:

You may include one relevant Do Follow backlink to your own blog if it enhances the content's relevance. However, promotional links to external products or commercial sites are not permitted. For sponsored post inquiries, please contact us using the subject line "Sponsored and Advertisement."

Content Tone:

Maintain an optimistic and compelling tone in your articles. For reference, browse through existing articles on BrainLevelUp.com.

Writing for Readers:

Craft your posts in your unique voice, considering the preferences of our target audience. Keep the content engaging to ensure readers remain captivated throughout.

Reader-Friendly Formatting:

Structure your articles for readability by incorporating relevant headings, subheadings, and bolded key terms. Utilize bullet points where necessary to enhance clarity and comprehension.


Incorporating visuals such as images, infographics, and videos enriches the reader experience. Ensure proper attribution for all media used in your article.

No Affiliate Links:

We do not permit the inclusion of affiliate links within articles, as this may compromise the integrity of our website. For promotional content or affiliate link placement, please contact us using the subject line "Advertising."


Plagiarized content will not be accepted. Ensure that all submissions are original and not copied from other sources. We value the hard work of others and expect the same level of respect from contributors.

How to Submit Your Article:

Submit your articles in Microsoft Word Document format. Prior to submission, feel free to pitch your ideas to us for feedback.

Contact Information:

For submissions and inquiries, reach out to us at refelo9800@ebuthor.com

Subject: Guest Posting or Advertising

Include Topic Ideas

Specify the Website You Wish to Link

We'll promptly respond to submissions that adhere to our guidelines.

We look forward to collaborating with you!

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